How to fix cracks in concrete sidewalks and walkways in Mesquite TX

Cracks in concrete sidewalks and walkways can be a major nuisance for Mesquite residents. Not only do they detract from the look of your property, but if left untreated, they can lead to more serious issues like tripping hazards or even structural damage. Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to fix cracks in concrete sidewalks and walkways in Mesquite. These easy-to-follow instructions will show you how to quickly and easily repair any existing cracks so you don’t have to worry about them anymore.

If you’re a homeowner in Mesquite looking to repair any existing cracks in your sidewalk or walkway, then you’ve come to the right place, consider Concrete Mesquite TX. One of the best Concrete Contractor in town! With just a few materials, some basic tools, and some elbow grease, you’ll be able to get rid of those unsightly cracks for good! We’ll go over all the steps necessary for fixing up those concrete surfaces around your home or business.

Whether you’re a novice DIYer or an experienced handyman, this guide will provide everything you need to know about repairing cracked sidewalks and walkways in Mesquite TX. So let’s get started!

What Causes Cracks In Concrete?

Cracks in concrete can be caused by a variety of factors, including environmental conditions and the materials used to build the sidewalk or walkway. Weather is a major cause of cracks, as extreme temperature changes and freeze-thaw cycles can cause shrinkage and expansion, leading to cracking. Uneven settling due to poor soil compaction beneath the concrete can also lead to cracking. The quality of the concrete mix itself can also affect how easily it cracks; mixes that are too dry or too wet will be more prone to cracking. Finally, construction errors such as mismatched slabs or unsupported edges can result in uneven pressures that cause cracking.

Preparing The Area For Repair

Before you begin repairing the cracks in your concrete sidewalks and walkways in Mesquite, TX, it’s important to prepare the area for repair. The first step is to clear away any debris that may be present. This includes leaves, sticks, stones, or dirt. Once the area is clean of debris, it’s time to assess the damage. Look closely at the crack and check for any loose pieces of concrete that need to be removed or chipped away. Depending on the size and depth of the crack, you may need to use a hammer and chisel to chip away at the concrete. Once all loose pieces are removed, vacuum up any dust or particles left behind using a shop vac. Finally, use a wire brush to scrub off any remaining dirt or grime from the surface of the sidewalk or walkway before beginning repairs.

Identifying The Right Materials

When it comes to fixing cracks in concrete sidewalks and walkways in Mesquite, TX, it’s important to identify the right materials needed for the job. The first step is to choose a quality concrete repair product. There are a variety of products available on the market, so it’s important to do some research and compare different options before making a purchase decision. It’s also helpful to consult with an experienced contractor or someone knowledgeable about concrete repair.

Another factor to consider is whether or not you will need to use additional materials such as joint sealants or crack fillers. These can help protect the repaired area from further damage caused by water seeping through the cracks. Joint sealants are designed specifically for gaps between two pieces of concrete and can be applied over the crack before filling it with repair material. Crack fillers, on the other hand, are designed specifically for cracks in concrete surfaces and should be used after the repair material has been applied.

Finally, when purchasing materials such as joint sealants or crack fillers, make sure they’re compatible with the type of repair material being used for your project. This will ensure that your repairs last as long as possible and provide optimal protection against further damage caused by water seepage. With careful selection of materials, you can effectively fix cracks in your concrete sidewalks and walkways in Mesquite, TX.

Filling And Sealing Cracks

Now that you’ve identified the right materials to use for fixing cracks in concrete sidewalks and walkways in Mesquite, TX, it’s time to start filling and sealing them. This process is easy but can take some patience since the repair material must be completely dry before you can move on.

The first step is to clean out the crack of any dirt, debris, or vegetation with a stiff brush. If you have large chunks of broken concrete in the crack, use a chisel and hammer to remove them. Once all loose pieces are removed and the crack is completely cleaned out, vacuum it to ensure there’s no dust left behind.

Next, fill the crack with a concrete patching product or epoxy filler specifically designed for repairing masonry surfaces. Use a trowel or putty knife to press the material into the crack until it’s TXush with the surface. Allow enough time for the repair material to set up according to its instructions before walking on it. Afterward, apply sealer over the patch if desired for extra protection and better waterproofing capabilities.

By following these steps and using quality materials, you should be able to easily fix cracks in your concrete sidewalks and walkways in Mesquite, TX. With proper maintenance and regular inspections of your surfaces, these repairs should last for many years!

Ensuring Proper Curing Time

Once the concrete has been poured and leveled, it’s important to make sure that it’s allowed to cure properly. This is especially true when filling cracks in a sidewalk or walkway. The curing process helps the concrete become stronger and more durable.

To ensure proper curing time, it’s important to keep the area moist for at least three days after the concrete is poured. To do this, cover the area with wet burlap or plastic sheets and mist water on them periodically throughout the day for three days. If temperatures are above 80°F, use a shade cloth or other material to reduce heat exposure.

It’s also important not to disturb the concrete during this time period by walking on it or doing any type of repair work until it has fully cured. After three days of being kept damp and not disturbed, your sidewalk or walkway should be ready for use again.

The initial curing stage is an important part of ensuring that your repairs will last for years to come so it’s important to take extra care during this process.

Reinforcing With Mesh Or Lath

Once the concrete is properly cured and dried, it’s time to start reinforcing the sidewalk or walkway. This can be done by adding mesh or lath over the surface of the concrete and using a special adhesive to secure it. The mesh or lath helps provide an extra layer of protection against further cracking and damage caused by weathering and wear and tear.

It’s important to make sure that the mesh or lath is secured correctly in order to maximize its effectiveness. To do this, use a trowel to spread out the adhesive evenly over the surface of the concrete, then press down firmly on the mesh or lath until it’s completely secure. Make sure that all edges are tightly adhered as well, in order to prevent water from getting underneath and causing further damage.

After everything is secured, you can apply a sealant over top for added protection. This will help keep moisture out while also protecting against dirt and debris buildup on your sidewalk or walkway. It’s important to choose one that is specifically designed for outdoor use in Mesquite TX since you’ll likely encounter higher temperatures during summer months than other regions of Texas. With proper reinforcement and care, your concrete sidewalk or walkway should remain crack-free for years to come!

Replacing Damaged Sections Of Concrete

Replacing damaged sections of concrete in Mesquite, TX can be a complex process. It requires the use of specialized materials and tools that are designed to ensure a strong bond between the old and new concrete. First, it’s important to remove any loose material or debris from the area around the crack before beginning. This will help ensure that the repair is done properly and will be long lasting.

When it comes to actually replacing the concrete, you’ll need to make sure you have all of the necessary supplies. These include concrete mix, trowels, shovels, sandpaper, sealant, and a level. After mixing up the concrete according to package instructions, spread it over the damaged section in thin layers with a trowel. Once you’ve finished laying down each layer of concrete, use a level to ensure that things are even and TXat before allowing it to dry completely.

Finally, when everything has dried completely you can apply a sealant overtop to weatherproof your repaired sidewalk or walkway. This will help protect against future damage from moisture and other environmental factors as well as help maintain its attractive appearance for years to come.

Repainting & Sealing The Surface

Once you’ve replaced the damaged sections of the concrete, it’s time to repaint and seal them. This will help protect the concrete from further damage in the future. To begin, make sure the surface is clean and dry by sweeping away any dirt or debris. Next, use a masonry brush to scrub away any residue that’s still stuck on the surface. Finally, apply two coats of a waterproof sealer to the area and let it dry completely before walking on it. This will help keep water out of cracks and protect your concrete from further damage for years to come.

Professional Services For Walkways & Sidewalks

If you need professional help to fix the cracks in your concrete sidewalks and walkways in Mesquite, TX, there are several local businesses that specialize in this kind of work. Many of these companies offer a wide range of repair services from fixing minor cracks to more extensive damage. They can also provide advice on how to avoid future damage by properly maintaining your sidewalk and walkway surfaces.

A reputable contractor will use the highest quality materials for repairs, such as high-strength concrete or epoxy-based patching materials. They’ll also have the necessary tools and equipment to carry out their work efficiently, including power washers and grinders for deep cleaning and preparation of the surface. This is especially important if your sidewalk or walkway has been affected by water damage or freeze/thaw cycles.

Before choosing a contractor, it’s important to make sure they’re licensed and insured. If you’re replacing an entire section of sidewalk or walkway, it’s also worth checking with local authorities to ensure the contractor meets all building codes and regulations. Once you’ve chosen a contractor, they’ll be able to provide an estimate for the cost of repairs.

It’s wise to compare quotes from different contractors to make sure you get value for money. Make sure you check reviews online too – this is the best way to find out what people think about their workmanship and customer service.

Maintenance Tips To Avoid Future Damage

To prevent further damage to concrete sidewalks and walkways in Mesquite, TX, it’s important to take proactive steps. First and foremost, be sure to clear the area of any debris such as leaves or sticks that can cause deterioration. Additionally, routine cleaning is essential as dirt can accumulate and lead to erosion. A pressure washer is a great tool for cleaning these surfaces effectively.

Second, apply a sealer to protect the concrete from moisture infiltration. This will help reduce wear over time and provide an extra layer of protection against cracking or chipping. It’s also important to regularly inspect the surface for signs of damage such as spalling or pitting; if any are found, they should be repaired promptly.

Finally, take action when you notice any cracks starting to form in the surface. It’s best to fill them with an appropriate patching material as soon as possible before they worsen or spread throughout the sidewalk or walkway. This will help ensure that your concrete remains in good condition for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Average Cost Of Concrete Repair In Mesquite TX?

When it comes to concrete repair, it’s important to know the average cost in Mesquite, TX. After all, this is an essential part of any home improvement project. Knowing what you can expect to pay for a repair job can help you make an informed decision and budget accordingly. So, what is the average cost of concrete repair in Mesquite, TX?

The cost of concrete repair will depend on several factors such as the size of the area needing repaired, the type of repairs needed, and materials used. A local contractor will be able to give you more accurate pricing information based on your specific needs. Generally speaking, basic crack repairs can range from $400-$1000 depending on the condition of the concrete and severity of the damage. For more extensive repairs such as replacing large sections of concrete or stabilizing soil beneath walkways or driveways, costs can easily exceed $1500.

It’s also important to factor in additional costs such as permitting fees or other services related to getting a professional job done right. As with any home improvement project, it pays to do some research ahead of time so you can get a better idea of how much money you’ll need to invest in your project before contacting a contractor for an estimate.

Doing things yourself can often save money in the short run but may end up costing more over time if not done properly. It’s best to consult with a professional who has experience dealing with concrete repairs so that you don’t have to worry about making costly mistakes or dealing with further damage down the line.

Can I Repair The Cracks Myself Or Do I Need A Professional?

Cracks in concrete walkways and sidewalks can be an eyesore, but repairing them isn’t always easy – especially if you’re unsure of whether you should attempt it yourself or call a professional. The current question to ask is: Can I repair the cracks myself or do I need a professional?

Repairing concrete cracks yourself is not impossible, but it does take knowledge and the right tools. If the crack is small, then a basic concrete repair kit should suffice. However, larger cracks will require more specialized equipment like a mortar gun and trowel. It’s also important to make sure that the area is clean before attempting any repairs – otherwise they won’t last as long.

The best way to determine whether you need a professional for your concrete repair project is by assessing the size and extent of the damage as well as your own skill level. If you feel comfortable taking on the job with basic DIY tools, then go ahead! However, if the damage appears extensive or if you don’t have experience with home projects, then it’s probably best to hire someone who has expertise in this field. That way, you can rest assured knowing that your project was completed correctly and safely.

No matter what route you choose when tackling this type of project, it’s important to ensure that all necessary precautions are taken in order to keep everyone safe and get the job done right. Taking into account both your skill level and the extent of the damage should help you decide what would be best for your repair project in Mesquite TX.

How Long Does It Take To Fix Cracks In Concrete?

Fixing cracks in concrete can be a time-consuming process, depending on the size and severity of the crack. It’s important to understand how long it takes to repair a crack before beginning the project so you can plan accordingly.

If you’re dealing with shallow cracks that are less than a quarter-inch wide, it’s likely that you can fix them yourself. All you need is some caulk and a few tools from the hardware store. You first need to clean out the crack and then fill it in with caulk. This can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour for a single crack, depending on its size.

Deep or large cracks require more attention and patience. These types of cracks typically need to be filled with mortar mix or epoxy resin. Doing this correctly requires removing all loose material from the sides of the crack, as well as filling it in several layers until it is level with the surface of concrete sidewalk or walkway. Depending on how many layers you have to apply, this can take several hours up to an entire day per crack.

It’s important to consider all these factors when deciding whether or not you should fix your own concrete cracks or hire a professional contractor who has experience working with concrete repair projects. Hiring someone may cost more upfront but could save you time and energy in the long run if they have access to specialized tools and materials that make the job easier and faster than doing it yourself.

Does Concrete Repair Require Any Special Permits Or Inspections?

Fixing cracks in concrete can be a complex process, depending on the size and severity of the crack. The repair process may also require special permits or inspections. This article will discuss whether special permits or inspections are necessary when repairing concrete.

In most cases, no special permit or inspection is required to repair concrete; however, there are some exceptions. If you plan to make significant structural changes to your concrete, such as replacing an entire section, then it’s likely that a permit and an inspection will be needed. In addition, if the location of the repairs is in a high-traffic area, such as a sidewalk or walkway near a busy street, then it’s likely that a permit and inspection will be required by local authorities.

If you’re unsure whether your repair project requires any special permits or inspections, it’s best to consult with your local building department before starting the project. They can provide guidance on any potential regulations that need to be followed for your specific situation. Even if no permit is required for the repair work itself, it’s always important to make sure that all applicable safety regulations are followed during the repair process.

It’s not uncommon for homeowners and businesses to attempt their own repairs without consulting with local authorities first. However, this could lead to unnecessary delays and costly fines if local regulations are not followed correctly. It’s always best practice to check with local authorities before beginning any kind of repair work on concrete surfaces.

Is There A Way To Prevent Concrete Cracking In The Future?

Preventing concrete from cracking in the future is an important step to take for any property owner. Cracked concrete can be a safety hazard and is also unsightly, so it’s important to take the necessary steps to prevent this from happening. There are a number of methods that can be used to help stop or reduce the amount of cracking that occurs in concrete surfaces over time.

One way to help prevent concrete from cracking is by using a sealant. Applying a sealant on a regular basis can help keep moisture out of the surface, which will reduce the amount of expansion and contraction that can occur. This will reduce the chances of cracking over time. Additionally, when pouring new concrete, adding fibers and other additives like polymers can give it more strength against cracking and make it less likely to crack in the future.

Another way to help prevent cracks in concrete is by ensuring proper drainage is installed around the area. Poor drainage can lead to water pooling on top of the surface which can cause erosion and weakening of the material over time. Installing proper drainage systems such as catch basins, French drains, or gutters will help ensure that water does not build up on or around your concrete surfaces, reducing the chances for cracks in the future.

Taking these steps will help protect your investment and make sure you don’t have to worry about costly repairs down the line due to cracked or crumbling concrete surfaces. It’s important to inspect your surfaces regularly and take proactive measures such as sealing or adding extra reinforcement when needed in order to keep them looking great for years to come.


The cost of concrete repair in Mesquite TX can vary depending on the severity of the cracking. If you want to take care of the repairs yourself, make sure to do your research beforehand. It’s important to understand what kind of materials you need and how much time it will take. Depending on the size and severity of the cracks, it could take a few hours or days.

When doing repairs like this, it is important to check with your local building department first to see if any permits or inspections are required. This will help ensure that all work is done according to code and that no further damage is caused in the future.

Overall, fixing cracks in concrete sidewalks and walkways can be a daunting task but with proper planning and research, you can get the job done quickly and safely. Making sure that all necessary permits are taken care of up front will help ensure that your project runs smoothly and looks great for years to come!

#1 Trusted Concrete Contractor Mesquite TX

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